
Four Myths About CBD

In recent years, cannabidiol (also known as CBD, which is derived from hemp, a type of cannabis sativa plant) has exploded in popularity as an increasing number of people have discovered CBD and its wellness effects. CBD interacts with our Endocannabinoid System, which helps maintain homeostasis. Because of this, the positive effects CBD has are broad and generally help people maintain balance in body and mind. Even with the growing popularity of CBD and hemp’s legalization in 2018, there is still a lot of misinformation out there. At Kyoto Botanicals, we are debunking four myths we often hear: CBD Will...

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Winterize Your Skin

We deal with it every winter – the temperature drops, the air outside is drier, we spend more time inside in spaces filled with dry heat – and our skin suffers. As our largest organ, our skin gives us a lot of trouble every winter so we thought we would share a few tips on how to help winterize your skin and make life just a little more comfortable every day. Careful not to over-exfoliate – Exfoliating too much can damage your skin’s barrier layer and negatively impact its main way of protecting against the harsh winter elements and maintaining...

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Six Benefits of CBD

Six Benefits of CBD

Life is filled with expectations, responsibilities, schedules, deadlines, conflicts, to-dos, distractions – the list goes on and on. We all want a magic fix to the stresses of our complicated modern lives, but that is just not reality. While all of these things are part of walking the path to success and happiness, it can’t hurt to have something to help bring a little balance to every step along this journey. This is where high quality, hand-crafted CBD from Kyoto Botanicals comes in. While hemp and hemp-derived CBD have been used for generations throughout the world, cannabidiol (CBD) has only...

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Harmonize in 2021

Crafting a bonsai tree (like the one in our logo) is an art form and a process with no end other than inner peace and a deeper connection with nature. We believe that our approach to personal health and wellness should follow this ancient art form to focus on the process of improving ourselves one tiny piece at a time to create attainable goals and small moments of success. By focusing on controlling the little things in our lives within our power and making multiple small changes rather than massive lifestyle shifts, we can find greater success and learn that...

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